Writing Rules

Anasayfa » Writing Rules




Papers to be submitted to our journal should be prepared as a Word document in 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins at the top and bottom and 2.5 cm margins on both sides. Only standard abbreviations should be used in the manuscripts, and if other expressions are to be abbreviated, they should be indicated in parentheses where they first appear in the text.

The use of foreign words with Turkish equivalents should be avoided. Generic or chemical names of drugs should be used.

Manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should consist of the following sections:

  • Title
  • Summary
  • Main text
  • Sources
  • Tables, figures, and images


The title of the article should be descriptive and understandable, should not contain abbreviations, and should not be more than 10 words except in requisite cases.


Turkish and English abstracts following the Turkish and English titles should consist of at least 200 and at most 300 words, one of which should be a translation of the other. Turkish abstracts of manuscripts received from abroad will be organized by us. Abstracts should be structured with the following subtitles: Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abstracts of other types of manuscripts do not require subheadings. Abstracts should be presented separately on the first and second pages of the text.


Abstracts should include at least three and at most five keywords in Turkish and English. Turkish keywords should be given following Türkiye Bilim Terimleri (TBT) (www.bilimterimleri.com for reference) and English keywords should be given following “Medical Subject Headings” (www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html for reference). Keywords should be separated by commas and the first letter of each keyword should be capitalized.


It consists of the entire article content. It is structured differently for each type of article (original research, case report, review, etc.). The manuscript must be uploaded to the electronic manuscript submission system of the journal, including the title of the article in Turkish and English, abstracts in Turkish and English, keywords in Turkish and English, references, and tables/figures/images/graphs without author and institution names.


The Vancouver Reference Style Guide should be followed for writing references:

Reference numbers should be given in parentheses ‘( )’, in the relevant place of the sentence, or before the period at the end. If more than one reference number is given, a comma ‘,’ should be placed between them, and if more than two reference numbers are given consecutively, a hyphen ‘-‘ should be placed between the numbers [e.g. (1, 2), (1-3)].

References should be listed in the order of their occurrence in the article as a separate section following the text of the article. The names of all authors up to the sixth author should be indicated, and ‘et al.’ should be added after the seventh author. Journal names should be abbreviated as used in Index Medicus.



Publication Types Example Use
Article: Full surname and initials of the author’s first name, comma, full surnames, and initials of other authors’ first names (if any), full stop. Title of the article (lowercase except for the first letter, proper names should start with a capital letter), period. The abbreviated name of the journal, if any (otherwise full name), space, year of publication, semicolon, space, volume number, issue number in parentheses if available, colon, space, starting and ending pages (with a hyphen in between), (if the thousands, hundreds and/or tens digit of the ending page is the same as that of the starting page, only the ones and/or tens digit is indicated), period. Öztürk O, Oruç MA, Göktepe ME, Yağlıoğlu LM, Okuyucu M. Evaluation of the patient consultations for admission to palliative care: A descriptive study. Turk J Geriatr 2022; 25(1): 42-8.

Öztürk O, Özdemir M, Erge E, Göktepe ME, Yıldız LM, Saguş M, et al. Relationship between primary tumor, metastasis and blood type in patients with malignancy receiving palliative care. IJCMBS 2023; 3(1): 13-8.

Book: Authors’ surnames and initials of their names, period. The title of the book (lowercase letters should be used except for the first letter, proper names should start with a capital letter), full stop, the edition if available, full stop, number of volumes if available, full stop, city of publication, comma, space, publishing house, comma, space, year of publication, semicolon, space, starting and ending pages (with a hyphen in between) (if the thousands, hundreds and/or tens digit of the ending page is the same as that of the starting page, only the ones and/or tens digit is indicated), full stop. Wagner GS. Marriott’s practical electrocardiography. 10th ed. Lippincott Williams publishing house, 2000: 124-9.
Book chapter: Full surnames and initials of the name of the authors, full stop. The name of the chapter (lowercase except for the first letter, proper names should start with a capital letter), full stop. The title of the book (lowercase letters should be used except for the first letter, proper nouns should start with a capital letter, and ‘from’ should be written at the beginning), full stop. The full surname and initials of the editors after ‘Ed(s).’, full stop. Number of editions, if known, full stop. Number of volumes, if available, full stop. City of publication, comma, space, publishing house, comma, space, year of publication, semicolon, space, starting and ending pages (with a hyphen in between) (if the thousands, hundreds, and/or tens digit of the ending page is the same as that of the starting page, specifying only the ones, and/or tens digit), full stop. Öztürk O. Sexual dysfunctions. Practical family medicine – women’s health, diseases and obstetrics. Ed. Arıca S, Öztürk GZ. 2021; 65-72.
Thesis: Full surnames and initials of the first names of the authors, full stop, thesis title, space, [thesis type], full stop, university name, comma, space, city name, comma, space, year, full stop. Sücüllü İ. The relationship between undergraduates’ cognitive flexibility, emotional self-efficacy and interpersonal problem-solving skills [Master’s Thesis]. Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2022.
Website: Full surnames and initials of the first names of the authors, if available, full stop. Title of the page or article, space, [Internet], period, URL address, period. Date of access in parentheses, colon, space, dd/mm/yyyy. Danger in electronic devices ‘blue light’ [Internet]. https://www.trthaber.com/haber/saglik/elektronik-cihazlardaki-tehlike-mavi-isik-335576.html. (Date of access: 03/12/2023)


Figures, Tables, and Images

The total number of figures, tables, and illustrations should not exceed 6. Each category should be numbered within itself with numbers (1, 2, 3…). For tables, the table number and title should be at the top, and for figures and images, they should be at the bottom. When it is necessary to use non-standard abbreviations in figures, tables, and images, it should be explained under the relevant image. Tables, figures, and images should be presented in the relevant place in the text and uploaded to the article acceptance system. The method of analysis should be indicated with an icon just below the relevant image. Black, white, and gray colors should be preferred.


Research Article

The text should be structured with the subheadings ‘introduction, material and method, findings, discussion, conclusion’.

The abstract should be structured with the subheadings ‘aim, material and method, findings, conclusion’.


The text should be structured with sub-headings ‘introduction, related topics, conclusion’.

Structuring is not required in the abstract.

Case Report

The text should be structured with the subheadings ‘introduction, case presentation, discussion, conclusion’.

Structuring is not required in the abstract.

Letter to the Editor

It should be articles on current, popular topics, findings, different opinions, academic thoughts including problems and solution suggestions, or articles that offer a critical perspective on articles published in the journal in the last 1 year.

Clinical Image/Video

All images and videos should be of high quality in terms of exposure, focus, color, and contrast. The figure should have a simple descriptive title and a brief description that includes relevant technical details and describes all labeled structures.


See Table 1 for limitations on article categories

Type of paper Word limit Absract word limit
(min – maks)
Resourse limit Tables, figures and iamges limit Author limit
Article 4000 200-300 40 6
Review 4000 200-300 50 6 4
Case Report 1200 100-150 10 6 4
Letter to the editor 400 Does not include abstract 5 2 2
Clinical Image/Video 300 Does not include abstract 5 3 4



  • Title page (should be filled out based on the sample in the journal)
  • Main document (Text, tables, figures, etc. visuals)
  • Ethics committee approval



Aday Öğrenci

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